Java Boost Coffee
Coffee is loved by people throughout the world. Despite the many and varied options for coffee available today, Java Boost Coffee is proving to be the preferred choice by many. Aside from water, coffee is believed to be the most consumed drink in the world. (S; Surma). According to a 2015 Gallup poll, more than 64% of US adults drink at least one cup of coffee daily. The average coffee drinker consumes 2.7 cups per day. It is estimated that 150 million Americans consume 400 million cups of coffee each day and over 140 billion cups per year. (Saad). What is the attraction? Why do people love coffee as much as they do. Could it be the taste? Or is it the smell? Is it the comfort of a warm drink? Or is it nothing more than an addiction to caffeine? Ask a coffee drinker and they will likely tell you all the above and so much more. Coffee has become ubiquitous at home, work, and at play. Coffee breaks are social experiences. Movies and sitcoms portray coffee drinking as a common practice amongst co-workers, friends, family, and even strangers. Coffee is portrayed in kitchens, offices, vehicles, court rooms, airplanes, restaurants, coffee shops, and more. It is almost impossible to think of a show or movie where coffee isn’t in the scene somewhere. The Huffington Post states that “31% of coffee drinkers make coffee the most important part of their morning and that 52% would forgo a shower to make time for the morning cup of joe.” (Daily). Thankfully Java Boost Coffee is a pure organic instant coffee that can be added to hot or cold water for a delicious cup anytime anywhere.
Part of the appeal to coffee is surely the caffeine boost, but according to scientists there are many other benefits included in a daily cup of coffee. Dr. Donald Hensrud MD at the Mayo Clinic suggests that “coffee may offer some protection against Parkinson’s Disease, Type 2 Diabetes, Liver Disease, Cancer, Heart Attack, and Stroke.” (Donald). Clinical studies in Japan suggest that “coffee reduces abdominal fat in overweight adults as measured by BMI and waist circumference.” (Watanabe). “Coffee is a complex brew containing hundreds of biologically active compounds. A plethora of studies suggest habitual coffee consumption is associated with lower risks of cardiovascular death as well as coronary heart disease, congestive heart failure, and stroke.” (CJ; O’Keefe). In addition to the pure organic coffee, Java Boost Coffee also contains many healthful ingredients like organic turmeric, ginger, and muscadine to make an even healthier option for coffee drinkers.
But too much of a good thing can quickly turn bad. The same study at Saint Luke’s Mid America Heart Institute in Kansas City, MO suggests that “over consumption of coffee due to over caffeination can cause anxiety, insomnia, headaches, tremulousness, and palpitations. Coffee moderation is recommended.” Because of coffee’s acidity, it can adversely affect the lining of the esophagus, stomach, and intestines and exacerbate the symptoms of heartburn, nervousness, and insomnia. Again, the Mayo clinic adds that moderate coffee drinking is likely beneficial for health, but overconsumption can lead to unhealthy side effects. (Donald). Another common problem stems not from the coffee, but to what people are commonly adding to their cup every morning. As published in Science Daily, “the average coffee drinker adds 3 tsp of sugar per cup of coffee. That’s more than half of a person’s recommended daily sugar intake.” (Study). Dr Nicole Avena-Blanchard states that “sugar addiction is real. Animal and human evidence supports substantial parallels and overlap between drugs of abuse and sugar from the standpoint of brain neurochemistry as well as behavior.” (WL; DiNocolantonio). High daily sugar consumption has been linked to increasing risk of Type 2 diabetes, obesity, and other obesity related diseases. People with Type 2 diabetes are at twice the risk of developing cancers of the liver, pancreas, and endometrium. (By the Numbers). Java Boost Coffee contains natural non-glycemic stevia leaf. The coffee is already sweet and doesn’t need any added sugar. As a result, Java Boost Coffee will not spike blood sugar and is therefore a wonderful option for diabetics, prediabetics, and those looking for a great tasting healthy coffee.
Another common misconception of coffee is the belief that all coffees are created equal. Unfortunately, how coffee is grown, processed, stored, and packaged affects its healthiness. The extensive use of pesticides in agricultural practices has been associated with human health problems and environmental contamination worldwide. Brazil is the largest producer of coffee worldwide and is also the world’s largest consumer of pesticides. (de Queiroz). Numerous studies of workers at coffee plantations in Brazil and Columbia and surrounding communities have demonstrated the adverse effects of overexposure to pesticides. (HP; Moshammer)(Garcia). The Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil identified “simultaneous determination of 117 pesticides and 30 mycotoxins in raw coffees tested.” (Reichert). The conventional coffee plantations are currently facing many environmental challenges. In order to mass produce the coffee beans, growers have moved off of the hillsides and shady areas into the open flatlands. This method of growing requires high levels of pesticide and herbicide treatments. (Sauvadet) The large harvests are often stored in larger piles and containers. Molds, fungus and other mycotoxins grow rampant. Much of the coffee available in the marketplace today contains a high-level blend of these chemicals and toxins. The Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences and Epidemiology at the University of Washington, Seattle published an article indicating that “long-term dietary exposure risk was higher with non-organic produce and lower with organic produce.” (Curl). Java Boost Coffee is grown on the shaded hillsides in Mexico. The farm is herbicide and pesticide free and the coffee is organic. Java Boost Coffee is triple lab tested at the farm, the roaster, and at the blend manufacturer to ensure no chemical herbicides, pesticides, fungus, mold, and mycotoxins.
To mellow the acidity of coffee, consumers often add creamer. Popular creamers use artificial ingredients and chemical additives to enhance flavor, eliminate the need for refrigeration, and to increase shelf life. These creamers can add to the difficulty and inflammation of the esophagus, stomach, intestines, and colon. They can also contribute to the increased likelihood of developing chronic diseases. Java Boost Coffee uses organic coconut creamer to mellow the taste of the coffee and increase the amount of healthy nutrients. One of the main nutritive ingredients in coconut cream is Lauric Acid.
Coconut Cream (Lauric Acid)
There is a lot of research published and still being conducted on the benefits of consuming coconut derived lauric acid. According to Dr James DiNicolantonio at Saint Luke’s Mid America Heart Institute, “lauric acid found in coconut oil is more likely to be burned for energy and less likely to be stored as fat in adipose tissues and thus promotes increased energy expenditure.” (JH; DiNicolantonio). Lauric Acid has been implicated in the prevention/treatment of obesity. (Zhang) “Coconut oil lauric acid stimulates ketone production and is a potential Alzheimer’s disease therapy. Coconut oil intake may improve brain health. (Nonaka). Universities in Australia, Malaysia, and Singapore combined their research showing that “lauric acid ameliorates liver inflammation after just 14 days of consumption.” (Khan). This is a huge benefit to people struggling with a sluggish or malfunctioning liver as well as those looking to encourage and support healthier liver function. The same lauric acid supplementation was shown in studies done in China to benefit regenerating and repairing intestinal and colonic tissue damage in animals. (Liu). Many who suffer from digestive disorders could benefit greatly by increasing their consumption of coconut derived lauric acid. Research published in Medicinal Chemistry – Anti Cancer Agents stated that “lauric acid modulates cancer and inhibit the growth of the cancer cell… lauric acid works as an anticancer agent by altering the expression of miRNA’s.” (S; Verma). Lauric acid also helps to alleviate insulin resistance by improving insulin sensitivity and mitochondrial dysregulation. (CH; Tham).
Java Boost Coffee contains a blend of nutritive ingredients designed to boost the healthiness of the coffee. The idea is to make a coffee blend that tastes amazing and contains some of the healthiest ingredients found on the earth today. In addition to the coconut cream, Java Boost Coffee also contains organic Ginger, Turmeric, and Muscadine Seeds and Skins.
Ginger is a legendary root of health that has been used for centuries not only for flavor and aroma, but as a nutritive ingredient for health. A search conducted at for ginger will produce over a thousand published clinical studies describing many health benefits derived from ginger consumption. The list includes help with nausea, weight loss, arthritic pain, blood sugar support, heart health, digestive support, menstrual pain, brain function, and fighting off infections. (Leech). Java Boost Coffee contains organic pink Fijian ginger discovered and hand cultivated on a remote island in Fiji. This heirloom root of health is unique in its color, taste, aroma, and chemical makeup and healing benefits.
Discovered in the same jungles in Fiji is another unique heirloom root that has been used for centuries by some of the earliest recorded health practitioners. Fijian turmeric is legendary for helping heal the body. Research shows over ten thousand clinical studies published about the health benefits related to turmeric and the active ingredient, curcumin, it contains. This root has been shown to reduce inflammation, increase antioxidant function, boost brain function, support the cardiovascular system, prevent and treat aberrant cells, reduce Alzheimer’s symptoms, reduce arthritic symptoms, fight depression, and help delay aging. (Gunnars). Java Boost Coffee contains the unique species of turmeric root discovered in the Fijian jungle that lab results show has an increased number of curcuminoids than other turmeric and is believed to be extremely beneficial in supporting good health.
Muscadine Grape
Perhaps the least known ingredient added to Java Boost Coffee is the muscadine grape seeds and skins. Most people have never heard of muscadine grapes and if they have, they’ve never considered putting it in their coffee. But they should! Muscadines seeds and skins contain over 100 different antioxidants and are 5X more potent than Acai, 10X more potent than blueberries, and 53X higher in antioxidants than Noni Juice.
So much research has been done specifically on active ingredients found in muscadines. Some of the more familiar ingredients are ellagic acid, quercetin, resveratrol, and tocotrienols. Wake Forest University has been studying the health effects of whole food muscadine supplements because of the many nutrients present and available in muscadine seem to support numerous health benefits.
Muscadines are a rich source of ellagic acid and gallic acid. Ellagic acid is abundant in certain berries such as raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, pomegranates, pecans, walnuts, and above all muscadines. In fact, muscadines are more chemically like a berry than a grape because of its abundant ellagic acid content not found in other grapes. Ellagic Acid is one of the most powerful polyphenolic antioxidant compounds to aid in protecting against premature oxidation and chemoprevention – the use of any food, drug, or dietary supplement to help prevent the incidence, increase, or spread of any disease.
Researchers at Ohio State University have led the research and demonstrated unequivocally that ellagic acid is an effective agent for chemoprevention of cancer. They looked at animal models for esophageal cancer, colon cancer and lung cancer. Conclusions from this type of on-going research suggest that ellagic acid is active at the different stages of cancer. It helps prevent the initiation of many different cancer types in rodents exposed to a wide variety of well-known carcinogens. More specifically, it was found that ellagic acid, as a powerful antioxidant, induces the gene expression of the QR enzyme which is active in the detoxification of many carcinogens. In tests of colon, breast, and prostate cancer cells that were exposed to ellagic acid, the rate of proliferation was substantially reduced.
When these ellagic acid compounds are taken orally, they are especially effective against cancers of the gastrointestinal tract where the compound comes into direct contact with the epithelial surface. This treatment is shown to be especially effective with suppressing cancers of the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and colon.
Dr. Gary D. Stoner and colleagues at Ohio State University demonstrated that ellagic acid treatments derived from naturally occurring fruits and berries like the muscadine are more effective than chemically derived ellagic acid because there are multiple phenolic substances in a fruit that can act synergistically with the ellagic acid compounds within the complex biological processes that involve cancer initiation, promotion, growth, and metastasis. (Food) This provides powerful rationale for the recommendation to eat an anti-cancer diet and to supplement with whole food supplements rather than to rely upon purified substances as single bullets.
A flavanol found in muscadine grapes, onions, apples, red wine, black tea, buckwheat tea, and ginkgo biloba. Quercetin is both a natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. It protects against DNA mutations, colon cancer and heart disease. One study in the British Journal of Cancer shows that, when treated with a combination of quercetin and ultrasound for one minute, skin and prostate cancer cells showed a 90% mortality within 48 hours, with no visible mortality of normal cells.
Quercetin is mostly absorbed in natural compounds and whole foods as a glucoside or plant starch/sugar. Quercetin is called a transporter or carrier of other compounds because it joins readily with other nutrients and helps carry them into cells and tissues. Plant sources like the muscadine are especially beneficial as plants store multiple nutraceutical forms of quercetin within the plant that human bodies can utilize. Muscadine skins are loaded with quercetin and other flavanols like kaempferol and myricetin which have been seen to work synergistically in the body. Quercetin also combines with ellagic acid to affect cell controls over the growth rate and the path by with cancer cells die. They combine to change the activity of regulatory proteins and enzymes called MAP kinases which regulate cell division and viability of cancer cells and other cell proteins including spike proteins.
High flavonoid diets are known to affect composition of gut flora. While significant quantities of quercetin, myricetin and kaempferol are absorbed in the small intestine, a larger fraction of each remains in the digestive tract. Gastrointestinal cells are exposed to a higher concentration of flavonoids if muscadines are consumed. This leads to the probability that the good bacteria needed in the colon are being fed by the muscadine seeds and skins. Muscadines have the right profile of phytochemicals to be part of a healthy gastrointestinal system diet.
Resveratrol has been researched for decades regarding its impact on cardiovascular health. In fact, much of the “French Paradox” regarding consumption of a higher fat diet and lower levels of heart disease is explained by the consumption of foods and drinks high in resveratrol. The explanation is that resveratrol combined with other phenolic compounds help to reduce inflammation of the vascular endothelial cells lining the inside of our veins and arteries. Without these compounds, the endothelial cells become inflamed and irritated by the many toxins, LDL cholesterol, free-radicals, blood sugar levels, bacteria, viruses, and more circulating in our blood. Muscadine grapes have multiple phytochemicals that keep the endothelial cells healthy, keep LDL from becoming ox-LDL, decrease the movement of monocytes from the bloodstream and atherosclerotic plaque formation and decrease the risk of heart attacks in general.
These compounds also serve as vasodilators – specifically increasing nitric oxide and other compounds which repair and maintain healthy endothelial cells and membranes and result in an increase of blood flow and circulation. Endless health improvements can be linked to better blood flow and increased circulation throughout the body. One of particular interest relates to male sexual health. Erectile dysfunction is a problem related to the endothelial cells of the blood vessels not supplying enough blood flow and nitric oxide to the corpus cavernosum. A diet high in polyphenolics from whole foods has been shown to counter this difficulty. Muscadine grape skins and seeds are high in these categories of compounds.
The phenolics in muscadines not only protect endothelial and vascular cells from oxidative damage, but they also help blood vessel vasodilation. The action of nitric oxide on vascular smooth muscles is to help them relax. A relaxation of vascular smooth muscle in turn lowers blood pressure. Resveratrol combined with quercetin both increase the production of enzymes that dissolve blood clots (namely, tissue plasminogen activator and tissue factor). They also block some of the triggers that cause blood to clot in the first place such as the activation of thrombin and the aggregation of platelets.
Resveratrol and its derivatives support damaged cell apoptosis and are chemo preventive in assays representing three major stages of carcinogenesis: tumor initiation, promotion, and progression. Resveratrol is also anti-metastatic, antioxidant, and antimutagenic. If a cell has undergone DNA damage leading to a cancerous mutation, it is obviously desirable for that cell to die. Resveratrol is a substance that works in conjunction with ellagic acid and other polyphenols to stop mutated cells from propagating. Resveratrol has been shown in several cancer cell types to induce cell cycle arrest, inhibit cancer cell proliferation, and induce apoptosis.
Resveratrol is an angiogenesis inhibitor which means it slows or stops the growth of blood vessels that supply tumor cells as they grow. This results in tumors rapidly shrinking and disappearing as the tumor cells die.
Many disease states result from inflammation. When you get arthritis and your joints hurt, that is inflammation. The phytochemicals in muscadines are not just antioxidants, they are also anti-inflammatory. In an experiment done with muscadines, an extract of grape skin was compared with a powerful pain reliever for ability to prevent bad cholesterol from becoming oxidized and creating inflammation in the cardiovascular system. The muscadine extract was more powerful than the medication in reducing the bad cholesterol and inflammation.
Many phytochemicals in muscadines are anti-inflammatory and can help lessen the severity of an inflammatory or uncontrolled immune response. Chronic systemic inflammatory responses are very destructive to the body. Lessening systemic inflammation is beneficial to blood flow and the body’s ability to bring repairing nutrients to areas of concern. Resveratrol combined with quercetin and ellagic acid and other phytochemicals found in the muscadine help to add increased intelligence to immune receptors on white blood cells, monocytes, and macrophages to encourage a more strategic and healthy response to pathogens and diseased cells. Studies have shown a reduction of unneeded cytokines and Immunity storms because of consumption of the phytochemicals found in muscadines. This generally interprets into shortened terms of illness and reduced symptomology.
Resveratrol and other polyphenols have shown potential in life extension. The discovery that polyphenolics including resveratrol and quercetin can extend lifespan was first seen in yeast and worms. The same pathway is found in humans, and it has been shown to also extend life in human cells. When polyphenols are present in the blood, a protein called sirtuins are activated to repair DNA. Repairing damaged DNA results in fewer mutations and longer lifespan. In addition, the activation of these proteins by resveratrol and other compounds improves insulin sensitivity and metabolic health resulting in reduced fat storage and related blood sugar diseases.
Tocotrienols are a very potent and healthful form of Vitamin E. Studies have demonstrated that tocotrienol supplementation has a strong effect on brain health and function. Specifically, studies show that patients consuming tocotrienols experience a reduction and repair of white matter lesions on the brain. This results in increased capacities related to the areas previously affected by these lesions. Improvements were seen with patients whose brain tissues had been impaired due to a stroke or brain edema. Patients with Alzheimer’s and dementia have also seen improved recall and mental function over extended periods of time as compared to the placebo. Patients with age related dementia have shown a slowing of memory loss compared to similar aged individuals who did not receive the supplement. Basically, the effects seen from vitamin E supplementation seem to be enhanced and improved when using tocotrienols in place of the traditional vitamin E sources.
Other research includes topical uses. Applying tocotrienols to the skin showed improved elastic fiber retention and reduction of fine lines and wrinkles. Topical application demonstrated an anti-aging effect and aided in the reduction of the appearance of scars, stretch marks, burns, and age spots. Topical application showed signs of increased blood flow and circulation likely resulting in healthier, younger looking skin.
Southern Florida University researched the effects of tocotrienol supplementation on body fat storage and weight loss. The study showed that individuals who supplemented with tocotrienols experienced inhibition of fat creation and storage compared to individuals consuming a placebo. This study shows great promise in helping people with obesity.
Tocotrienols are naturally found in the plants like barley, rice, rye, wheat, and oats. Higher levels can be found in palm oil. Many manufacturers have tried to extract beneficial amounts of tocotrienol oil from these sources. Unfortunately, the process is expensive and the chemical extraction methods result in a less natural and chemically changed product. Researchers have continued to research the effects these oils have on animal and human health believing that eventually a more natural and market practicable source would be identified.
Recent research has found that the muscadine seed is a rich source of tocotrienols. Because of the large seeds found in these grapes, the oil can be extracted easily by simple cold pressing. This allows all natural compounds to remain in the oil. No heating, bleaching, or extraction chemicals are needed to produce the first ever all natural and pure tocotrienol oil that can be consumed orally or applied topically. In addition to the tocotrienols found in muscadine seed oil, the seeds also contain hundreds of phytochemicals, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatories found throughout the muscadine fruit.
Over 2.25 billion cups of coffee are consumed daily worldwide. Though organic natural coffee has many healthy aspects, most of this coffee is laden with toxic chemicals and mycotoxins that negatively affect health. In addition to these toxins people add sugar and artificial creamers creating an extremely unhealthy daily habit. Java Boost Coffee is formulated to provide a solution to this problem. Rather than tell people to reduce or avoid their coffee intake has chosen to create a gourmet healthy coffee that provides all the loved experience of taste, smell, comfort, energy, and social norms, but without the harmful chemicals and additives. Java Boost Coffee is organic and sweetened with raw stevia leaf, mellowed with organic coconut creamer, infused with organic Fijian ginger and turmeric, and boosted with over 100 different antioxidants derived from muscadine seeds and skins. But most importantly, it tastes and smells so amazing you will proudly share it with family and guests knowing confidently that you are supporting them with a delightful cupahealth!
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