Premier Partners

Hear Why US Military Lieutenant General Michael Flynn Loves Cupahealth Coffee Products…

Our best customers become our best promoters!  As people try our amazing gourmet healthy coffee and other products, they naturally begin sharing with others.  Word of mouth is always our favorite way of introducing our products to others.  Some people have more public influence than others when it comes to spreading the good news about CupaHealth and we want you to get to know them.  We hope that your trust in us will increase as you see and hear from people who also trust us.  These folks have put their names and reputations on the line by sharing CupaHealth products with their contacts and audience.  We are grateful to them for their trust, and recognize our responsibility to live up to their high expectations.  Please watch and listen to their own experiences:

Healthy Coffee Premier Partners


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50 pounds down and feeling amazing!

I can see such amazing differences when I see myself on today’s shows versus those recorded prior to my journey.

Watching oneself on video or TV is not something I necessarily enjoy, but it’s a requirement when you have an audio podcast. If they say the camera adds pounds, it clearly added a LOT to me. What I saw on the screen was a man who was overweight and unhealthy.

I got another tap from God: “You’ve got to change your habits and get healthy if you’re going to be in the fight to save my Republic.”

I knew by the way I looked and felt that I was not healthy. Not only to engage in a TV podcast, but not healthy to engage in my own life. I thought, “You’re not going to live much longer unless you make changes.” So, I made changes. And was relentless in doing so.

I had a friendship with GiGi Belmonico who introduced me to MFINITY. She taught me about the health benefits of Turmeric, Ginger, Muscadine, the delicious Fuel shake and the importance of a low-carb diet and exercise.

So I began a dedicated routine of a low-carb eating, exercise and no more alcohol. Exercise may be different for everyone. My routine involved 45 minutes a day on my exercise bike and light (5 lb) weights.

The end of the story is that with some amazing products, a clean diet and exercise, I lost 50 pounds in 2 months*. And I’m still losing weight with just 15 more pounds to go to reach my goal. I feel amazing!

I can see such amazing differences when I watch today’s shows versus the shows done prior to my new health commitment. I call it getting on “The Right Side of Health” and I’d like to help you to do the same.

We ALL need to be the healthiest versions of ourselves if we’re going to engage in the restoration of our Republic and, ultimately, become the best version of ourselves as God calls us to be.

I look forward to hearing from you and, God willing, inspiring you to get on The Right Side of Health!
God bless you. For the Republic!

Doug Billings
The Right Side


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One of the exciting things happening at CupaHealth is the recent and expanding addition of premier partners.  As we grow, we encounter the most amazing people.  So many people are committed to researching and broadcasting valuable, life changing information to all of us.  These people have influence in shaping our communities and culture.  Most influencers began as just sharers of information until enough people began listening to them that they eventually gained an audience and thereby influence.  They have earned the loyalty and confidence of others over time.  We recognize their contribution and investment of time and energy to do this.  At CupaHealth we are honored and excited to partner with certain of these people as our premier partners.

Our premier partners personally love the CupaHealth products.  They recognize the quality and value found in our formulas and desire to align themselves with us and risk their reputations on us.  We are grateful and mindful of this and work hard every day to be deserving of their trust.  Premier partners desire to share our products with their audiences and tribes.  We love that our premier partners have ties to audiences we might not otherwise connect with.  Through our website and many different events where we sample our products, we also introduce our partners to others whom they might not yet know.  Premier partners love CupaHealth products so much that they personally use them and have their own experiences to share.  By sharing their own experiences with others, they help us to promote our products.  Premier partners have personal testimonies regarding our products and especially the Java Boost Coffee.  We choose carefully whom we work with at CupaHealth.  We are looking for people with integrity and influence who fall in love with our products and desire to share them.  We collaborate with our premier partners to provide quality content and promotional material that they can pass along.  We join them on their media and digital outlets to help educate the public about the benefits that people receive through dietary changes with CupaHealth products.  We often attend events sponsored by our partners and offer samples of our most popular product, Java Boost Coffee.  Through these partnerships we are able to reach thousands more people and bring to them amazing health benefits.

We periodically offer special discounts available exclusively through our premier partner promo/discount codes.  Please visit, Follow, Like, and promote our partners’ content to others.  Each of our premier partners is striving to improve the lives of others through sharing information, inspiration, and guidance.  We love the fact that through our relationships with our partners we can all share links and information we find valuable with each other.  We all benefit by becoming connected with one another and gaining access to positive minded and cause focused people.  In this way we create a true Win/Win relationship together!


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